
DaysSincecanhelpyoubreakanybadhabit.Createacounterforeachhabitthatyouaretryingtogetridof.Ifyouaretryingtoquitsmoking, ...,LouLomasisanon-binarysoftwaredeveloperandex-secondaryschoolteacher(andaproudgeekinallsensesoftheword)wholivesinYorkshire,UK, ...,Acommunitywherepeoplecandiscusstheirexperienceskickingthosebadhabits!????.Public.Anyonecanseewho'sinthegroupandwhatthey,Heretohelpyoukickthathabi...

Days Since: Quit Habit Tracker 17+

Days Since can help you break any bad habit. Create a counter for each habit that you are trying to get rid of. If you are trying to quit smoking, ...

Lou Lomas (Author of The Bad Habit Kicker)

Lou Lomas is a non-binary software developer and ex-secondary school teacher (and a proud geek in all senses of the word) who lives in Yorkshire, UK, ...

The Bad Habit Kicker community

A community where people can discuss their experiences kicking those bad habits! ????. Public. Anyone can see who's in the group and what they

Habit Kicker

Here to help you kick that habit!

The Bad Habit Kicker

The Bad Habit Kicker: A simple system to transform your beliefs into knowledge and revolutionise your life! [Lomas, Lou] on Amazon.com.

The Bad Habit Kicker eCourse

More info. Simple and easy-to-implement! No expensive equipment required - pen & paper or a digital note-taking tool will do! Proven to get results! Can be used ...